Anarchie 1.6 Released
Anarchie 1.6 Released — Peter Lewis <[email protected]> has released version 1.6 of his popular Internet FTP client Anarchie. New in this version of Anarchie are Open Transport compatibility and a few interface enhancements (click the transfer indicator fields in the transfer progress windows, and almost everything in the About box is now hot) in addition to optional Simple Internet Version Control (SIVC). Spearheaded by Chris Johnson <[email protected]> at the University of Texas, SIVC allows Peter to both have a rough idea of how many copies of Anarchie are in use and inform you of updates to Anarchie when new versions are available. (Chris has been using this technique with his MacTCP Monitor program for some time.) Participation is voluntary so as not to produce privacy concerns: if you’re paranoid, just keep SIVC version checking turned off in Anarchie’s preferences. This version of Anarchie also has several bug fixes and support for non-standard FTP ports. Anarchie is $10 shareware, and weighs in at a little over 600K. anarchie-16.hqx main.html