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"Excessibility" and Win95

"Excessibility" and Win95 — In case you were visiting the outer planets last week and missed the news, we thought we’d let you know that Microsoft finally shipped Windows 95. We also thought we’d point out some of the marketing excesses committed in its honor. For instance, Microsoft projected the Windows 95 logo on the Empire State Building in New York City; paid for the free distribution of a reported 1.5 million copies of the London Times, which were (of course) filled with large ads for Windows 95; and floated a forty-foot tall replica of the Windows 95 box in the Sydney harbor, prompting at least one observer to ask how many floppies the update required.

Apple countered with several smug advertisements, but a particularly appropriate one was plastered on the sides of buses driving Seattle’s route 253, which goes directly through the main Microsoft campus:


Perhaps the saddest part about this particular Apple ad is that people understand it. [GD]

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