Norton Utilities 3.2
Norton Utilities 3.2 — Symantec Corporation has announced the availability of Norton Utilities 3.2 for Macintosh, which enables the disk-recovery and protection package to operate on volumes up to two terabytes in size. (System 7.5.2 supports volumes that large; earlier systems only support volumes 2 GB or 4 GB in size.) Symantec notes that support for volumes larger than 4 GB is the only change in version 3.2, and unless you use volumes larger than 4 GB there’s no need to upgrade from Norton Utilities 3.1. For people who need the update, Symantec will send disks for $10 plus shipping and handling, but has no plans to make an updater available online. Updates from versions of Norton Utilities before 3.1 cost $39.95. [GD]
Symantec — 800/441-7234 — 503/334-6054