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Netscape 2.0 Released

Netscape 2.0 Released — Netscape released the final version of Netscape Navigator 2.0 last weekend, with few apparent changes from beta 6 released a few weeks ago. The archive is about 2.5 MB in size; once again, the installer will attempt to launch Netscape and connect to a set of registration pages when installation is complete, potentially causing problems if more than one version of Netscape is installed on your machine (see TidBITS-311). Netscape2.0Installer.hqx

As anticipated, Java support is not included in the final Macintosh release. Rumor suggests beta releases of Netscape Navigator 2.1 will be available for the Macintosh in a few months, and it should include preliminary Java support. Netscape has also released the first beta of Navigator Gold (with HTML authoring tools) for Windows, but not for the Mac or Unix. [GD]

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