Cyberdog 1.1
Cyberdog 1.1 — Apple has released Cyberdog 1.1, their set of OpenDoc-based integrated Internet tools. Cyberdog 1.1 requires the just-released OpenDoc 1.1. Changes and enhancements since Cyberdog 1.0 include 68K (68030 or better) support, support for AppleTalk browsing and mounting of AppleTalk volumes, support for Netscape plug-ins, minimal scriptability (including support for the GetURL AppleEvent), and numerous other minor interface and functionality enhancements. In an ironic twist for the document-centric OpenDoc, Cyberdog 1.1 includes a Cyberdog application that opens your default notebook, allows all Cyberdog 1.1 documents to open in a single process, and accepts drag & drop of Cyberdog documents. The Cyberdog 1.1 download is 3.4 MB, and OpenDoc 1.1 is another 2.8 MB. [ACE]