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The Complete TidBITS on the Web

Thanks to the tireless, assiduous efforts of Matt Neuburg <[email protected]>, every TidBITS issue – from the present day all the way back to TidBITS-001 from April of 1990 – is now available online in HTML format. Matt has done a stunning job converting our old setext issues to HTML format (using a set of Nisus Writer macros – the conversion was heavily automated), and these files represent a major step toward making our library of past material more accessible and useful.


To access any particular issue, you can use a URL in the form: xxx.html

…where "xxx" is the issue number of the issue you wish to view, such as "030" (note the leading zero) or "200".

Taking a stroll down TidBITS’ memory lane can reveal some real gems, such as the first TidBITS April Fools article that turned into a real product (TidBITS-114), Matt’s first prescient appearance in TidBITS-095 (and my own nondescript premiere much later in TidBITS-167). Other classics include Mark Anbinder’s stint keeping the TidBITS fires burning during Adam and Tonya’s original move to Seattle in 1991, the almost unbelievable lineage of the classic computer game Adventure detailed by Mel Park in TidBITS-229, and TidBITS-300, listing 300 reasons the Mac is great. And, of course – since we measure all things by issue number here at TidBITS – I should note Adam and Tonya were married in TidBITS-062.

We owe Matt a tremendous debt of gratitude for converting this material to HTML – and we aren’t stopping here! We plan to offer an improved table of contents for these issues shortly, and eventually hope to implement Web-based indexes and searching capabilities for TidBITS issues.

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