Bare Bones Software Ships BBEdit 4.0.2
Bare Bones Software Ships BBEdit 4.0.2 — The widely-used text editor BBEdit turned 4.0.2 last week. Fixes and features in the new version should be popular with developers and general-purpose users. For programmers, there’s support for CodeWarrior 9 and 10, and anyone who likes keyboard shortcuts will appreciate the updated Set Keys dialog box. In addition, BBEdit 4.0.2 comes with a BBEdit Startup Items folder – as you might guess, when you launch BBEdit, files in that folder automatically open in the appropriate application. The new version has other changes, including improved compatibility with several utilities, such as QuicKeys, KeyQuencer, and Spell Catcher. Licensed users of BBEdit 4.0 or 4.0.1 can update for free; the download is sized at 2.2 MB. Those who own earlier versions may upgrade for $39 plus shipping. Bare Bones Software — 617/778-3100 — 617/778-3111 — <[email protected]> [TJE]