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CFM-68K Beta

CFM-68K Beta — Last December, Apple recommended that owners of 68K Macs disable the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler because it could cause serious crashes and data loss with some applications (see TidBITS-356), and Mac OS 7.6 did not support CFM-68K. Now, Apple has released CFM-68K Runtime Enabler 4.0b1 for 68K-based Macs. Although Apple stresses that the beta is unsupported (so use it at your own risk!), early tests indicate that 68K applications requiring CFM can now run, with the exception of Cyberdog 1.2.x or 2.0. Apple plans to ship the new version of CFM-68K in Mac OS 7.6.1, an interim release due as early as next month. [GD]

< cfmbeta.html>

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