Reduced Distribution on CompuServe
Reduced Distribution on CompuServe — If you’ve become accustomed to downloading TidBITS from a CompuServe forum, the time has come to change your habits. We’d been thinking about dropping direct CompuServe distribution because the download counts have fallen while direct email subscriptions to CompuServe subscribers have been climbing steadily, plus CompuServe Navigator is old, clunky, and difficult to automate. However, our hand was forced a few weeks ago when our CompuServe account via ZiffNet/Mac stopped accepting our password. We have no problem with TidBITS appearing in CompuServe forums but don’t plan to handle the distribution any more. If anyone wants to upload the issues, as is happening in the MACCLUB forum, feel free to do so. It’s probably easier for CompuServe members to subscribe to our Internet mailing list (which already has over 800 CompuServe subscribers) by sending email to <[email protected]>. [ACE]