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Mac OS Up-To-Date Program Expanded

Yesterday, Apple reversed its Mac OS Up-To-Date program, under which Macintosh purchasers who received Mac OS 7.6 can upgrade to Mac OS 8 for $9.95 plus tax. Apple had previously changed the program to benefit only people who bought Macs from Apple, but now those who purchased a qualifying Mac from Power Computing or UMAX on or after 22-Jun-97 can upgrade to Mac OS 8 as well. Orders from Power Computing and UMAX customers must be postmarked by 15-Oct-97; after that date UMAX and Power Computing expect to be shipping Mac OS 8 (at least until Power Computing ceases to make Mac clones at the end of the year). Previously submitted orders from Power Computing or UMAX customers will be honored and need not be resubmitted. Apple said it is continuing to work with other Mac OS licensees to make the Mac OS Up-To-Date program available to their customers. We’re pleased to see Apple doing the right thing for these Mac users; however, Apple could have avoided an incredible amount of ill will had it not flip-flopped on its original promise to provide the Mac OS Up-To-Date program to those purchasing from clone manufacturers. At the time, the move was widely seen as a way of exerting pressure against the clone manufacturers in the licensing negotiations.

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