EIMS 2.0 Public Beta
Qualcomm has released version 2.0b2 of Eudora Internet Mail Server (EIMS), formerly known as Apple Internet Mail Server and, before that, MailShare. When released, EIMS 2.0 will be a $199 commercial application; EIMS 1.2 will remain freeware. TidBITS switched to the beta because it can prevent spammers from relaying mail through your mail server, which had just happened to us. The EIMS 2.0 Installer can upgrade an EIMS 1.2 installation without destroying 1.2’s settings (in case you want to revert to 1.2). Other notable changes include remote administration, multiple domain support, mail groups, auto-replies, and Ph support. In our testing, the time-expiring betas of EIMS 2.0 have been stable and functional, and the 8-character limit on password sizes in 2.0b1 has increased to 31 characters in 2.0b2. EIMS 2.0 requires at least a 68030-based Mac, System 7.1, Open Transport 1.1.2, and access to DNS.