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Apple Cuts Prices, Begins Rebates

Earlier this week, Apple dramatically decreased pricing on the PowerBook 3400 and Power Macintosh 8600. Price reductions noted in Apple’s press release include the PowerBook 3400c/200 dropping from $4,500 to $3,800 and the Power Macintosh 8600/300/Zip going from $3,200 to $2,600 (see our PowerBook 3400 review in TidBITS 371). Additionally, Apple has instituted a series of rebates designed to encourage people to purchase Apple peripherals either singly or in tandem with a new Mac. For example, the Apple QuickTake 200 digital camera ($550 street price) comes with a $75 rebate if purchased alone or a $150 rebate if purchased with certain Macs. Apple traditionally drops prices in anticipation of upcoming product releases; no doubt this promotion relates to the forthcoming release of the so-called Gossamer Macs.

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