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Speed Doubler 8

Speed Doubler 8 — Connectix has shipped Speed Doubler 8, which adds Mac OS 8 compatibility and a few new features. Speed Doubler’s goal is to enhance performance (see the full review of Speed Doubler 1.0 in TidBITS-292), and Speed Doubler 8 speeds up local and network file copies, disk caching, and (on PowerPC systems only) includes a dynamic recompilation 68K emulator that can be almost twice as fast as Apple’s – handy when using 68K programs and system components, like AppleScript and the still widely used Microsoft Word 5.1. Speed Doubler 8 can now schedule file copies and folder synchronizations, plus navigate menus of many applications without a mouse, and assign hot keys to common tasks, such as opening a file or typing a block of text. Speed Doubler 8 requires System 7.5.5 or later (some features require Mac OS 8), and a 68030 processor or better. Speed Doubler 8 costs about $50 ($25 rebate coupons are included for current owners). [GD]



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