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BBEdit 4.5.1… and 4.5.1a

Yesterday, Bare Bones Software announced an update to BBEdit, a widely used text, HTML, and programming editor. According to the press release, the new BBEdit 4.5.1 supports HTML tags for style sheets, frames, scripts, and applets, plus provides enhanced HTML updating and validation. Other changes include welcome improvements to TableBuilder, enhancements to the Find Differences command, and support for longer search strings. The update is free to owners of BBEdit 4.5. Unfortunately, the rollout of BBEdit 4.5.1 hasn’t been smooth: the original BBEdit 4.5.1 update has a small problem, so Bare Bones released two new updaters for BBEdit 4.5.1a: a complete 2.3 MB 4.5.1 updater (which, despite its confusing name, updates 4.5 to version 4.5.1a) and a smaller "4.5.1a" update only for people who installed the flawed 4.5.1. Bare Bones’ servers have been overwhelmed with traffic; Bare Bones recommend downloading the update from a mirror site. As of this writing, some mirrors do not carry the most recent BBEdit 4.5.1 updater. If you need the update, we advise waiting a few days until the dust settles.

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