Online Telecommuting Survey
One of our favorite topics is telecommuting, since it’s a waste of time, energy, and resources for hundreds of thousands of people to drive to work just so they can work on a computer or talk on the telephone. There are situations where telecommuting can’t work, but also many where it could help. If you’d like to add to the base of knowledge surrounding telecommuting (whether or not you currently telecommute), consider filling out an online survey about telecommuting on behalf of Smart Valley, a Silicon Valley non-profit dedicated to facilitating technology partnerships between business, local government, and the community. Results from the survey will be posted on the Telecommute America: California Style Web page by 17-Nov-97. Even if you don’t live near San Francisco, the information this survey gathers could be useful to people and companies in other parts of the world when investigating the issues surrounding telecommuting.