G3 Ethernet Update
G3 Ethernet Update — Apple has released an updated Ethernet driver (version 2.0.1) for its new Power Macintosh G3 systems (but, notably, not for the PowerBook G3). The update corrects possible data corruption problems with using built-in Ethernet on high-traffic networks, and allows desktop G3 systems to connect reliably to auto-sensing 10/100 Mbps Ethernet hubs. The download is only 98K, but you’ll need DiskCopy 6.1 or ShrinkWrap 3.0 to access the update’s disk image file. [GD]
<ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/ Apple_SW_Updates/US/
Macintosh/System/ CPU_Specific_Updates/Power_Mac_G3/
G3_ Ethernet_2.0.1.img.hqx>
<ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/ Apple_SW_Updates/US/
Macintosh/Utilities /Disk_Copy_6.1.3.sea.hqx>