NewsHopper Becomes Defunct
NewsHopper Becomes Defunct — Laurent Humbert, developer of the offline newsreader NewsHopper, wrote last week to tell us the sad news that NewsHopper is no longer an available product (nor is it becoming shareware or freeware) because of his ongoing health problems. Laurent asks that anyone who has the existing demo version of NewsHopper on an archive site remove it, along with links to the NewsHopper Web page. Existing users can send tech support queries to Laurent at <[email protected]>, and the updater to the current 1.3b version remains available. Laurent recommends that people interested in an offline newsreader for the Mac check out Stefan Haller’s MacSOUP 2.3, which can also read email or interface with Eudora or Emailer, if you prefer. We wish Laurent the best. [ACE]