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BBEdit Lite 4.1 Gains Weight

Bare Bones Software‘s freeware text editor BBEdit Lite isn’t as light as you might expect. BBEdit Lite 4.1 was released this week, featuring a number of low-level improvements that make this powerful application a close cousin to the feature-laden commercial BBEdit 4.5. Now derived from the same code and resource bases as the commercial release, BBEdit Lite improves overall performance and reliability, provides Balloon Help for most interface elements, supports search strings up to 512 characters, and stores Grep search patterns in a separate file to be stored or shared with other versions of BBEdit. BBEdit Lite 4.1 also automatically opens at startup files stored in a new “BBEdit Startup Items” folder. Although professional programmers and HTML coders will probably opt for the full BBEdit 4.5 package, the Lite version provides all the functionality that many people need from a text editor. BBEdit Lite is a 772K (MacBinary) or 1 MB (BinHex) download.

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