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Quark Releases 4.02 Update

Since shipping QuarkXPress 4.0 for Macintosh last December, Quark has released four minor updates. The latest, a 6.8 MB download, is the 4.02r1 update. It updates any earlier version of QuarkXPress 4 to version 4.02, and replaces the 4.01, 4.01r1, and (the barely released) 4.02 updaters. Along with squashing a few bugs, 4.02 offers updated versions of MS Word and XPress Tags filters and the Index and JPEG Import XTensions. The Bleed Redefine XTension released with 4.01 is incorporated directly into QuarkXPress 4.02. Quark also released the TypeTricks 1.01 XTension a few weeks ago, which replaces some of the missing functionality of free XTensions compatible only with QuarkXPress 3.3. We expect the release of more freeware XTensions in the next few weeks, bringing version 4.0’s XTension feature up to par with version 3.3.

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