Apple Releases HyperCard 2.4
Apple Releases HyperCard 2.4 — After a two year lull, Apple has released an incremental upgrade to HyperCard, its venerable authoring and scripting tool. HyperCard 2.4 adds extensive support for QuickTime 3.0 (including real-time scripting of QuickTime effects and playback), support for QuickTime VR scenes, and the capability to script connections to URLs via Internet Config. HyperCard 2.4 also has bug fixes and interface tweaks such as handler pop-ups in the script editor and floating windows that display correctly under Mac OS 8. Owners of HyperCard 2.3.5 can download a free updater (a 5.7 MB download); otherwise HyperCard 2.4 costs $99 through the Apple Store. Although this isn’t the long-presaged HyperCard 3.0, rebuilt entirely on top of the QuickTime 3.0 architecture, the HyperCard team felt it was important to show motion and reward HyperCard’s long-time supporters for their patience. [GD]