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Internet Explorer 4.01: Faster, More Stable

Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 4.01, a must-have upgrade for Internet Explorer users. Although there’s only a single new feature – support for Apple’s ColorSync technology so specially created JPEG images are displayed exactly as their creators intended – Internet Explorer 4.01 incorporates numerous bug fixes and speed improvements. Program startup and overall page display performance has improved noticeably, and Microsoft claims enhanced Java performance as well. Stability is always hard to evaluate objectively, but in our testing, 4.01 crashes far less often than 4.0 did.

Included in the Internet Explorer 4.01 package is Outlook Express 4.01, which also sports performance improvements, bug fixes, plus a few new features. Outlook Express now provides support for outgoing rules, support for the StuffIt Engine, additional importing capabilities, and improved nickname support. The full combined download ranges from 12.6 MB to a whopping 29.2 MB, although if you download the Active Setup Installer (327K), you can choose which components you want to download and install.

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