Farewell MacWEEK, Welcome e/media Weekly
Farewell MacWEEK, Welcome e/media Weekly — Mac Publishing announced that as of the 24-Aug-98 issue, MacWEEK will change its name to e/media Weekly (or Emedia Weekly, or EMedia Weekly, depending on the source you read). The 11-year-old magazine’s new tag line will be "The Newsweekly for Digital Media Managers;" the title change is the final step in a shift to focus on digital media professionals, regardless of platform. e/media Weekly will keep its controlled circulation at 85,000 readers, 70 percent of whom reportedly work in multi-platform environments. According to a report from Matthew Rothenberg, director of online content for Mac Publishing, MacWEEK Online will remain in operation. [ACE]
<http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/980514/macweek_ma_ 1.html>
<http://www.zdnet.com/macweek/mw_1219/nw_ macweek.html>