Connectix Releases Speed Doubler 8.1.1
Connectix Releases Speed Doubler 8.1.1 — Connectix Corporation has released Speed Doubler 8.1.1, an update to the popular performance enhancing software. (See "Speed Doubler 8" in TidBITS-402.) Speed Doubler 8.1.1 works with the forthcoming Mac OS 8.5, improves compatibility with Mac OS Easy Open, StuffIt SpaceSaver, third-party file systems and storage devices, and utilities (like the shareware FinderPop) that allow items to be copied from places other than Finder windows. Speed Doubler’s Keyboard Power feature – which enables users to navigate application menus via the keyboard – has also been completely written and is now PowerPC-native. Owners of any version of Speed Doubler 8 can download a free 750K updater from Connectix. [GD]
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