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Anarchie Pro 3.5 Adds Mac OS 8.5 Features

Stairways Software has released Anarchie Pro 3.5, an update to its widely used $35 shareware file transfer tool. In addition to the host of new features recently introduced with Anarchie Pro 3.0 (see “Anarchie (Pro) Continues to Rule” in TidBITS 448), Anarchie Pro 3.5 adds a new Mac OS 8.5 look-and-feel, so file listings from FTP servers and link lists from Web pages now appear and behave like Finder windows. Anarchie Pro windows also sport an editable address field across the top, like a Web browser, making it easier to modify URLs to point to different directories or filter for content. Anarchie Pro can also execute searches using any Sherlock plug-in installed under Mac OS 8.5 – a feature that should prove useful with plug-ins for large file archives. Although Anarchie can only search using only one plug-in at a time, unlike Sherlock, the search feature works even under older versions of the system software. Other new features in Anarchie Pro 3.5 include a Commander window to access frequently used functions, plus support for Command-double-clicking Web pages to pass the URL to your Web browser. Anarchie Pro 3.5 a 1 MB download.

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