PageSpinner 2.1 Released
PageSpinner 2.1 Released — Optima System has released PageSpinner 2.1, the latest version of its shareware, text-oriented HTML editor. PageSpinner 2.1 offers significant performance improvements and a revved-up text editor, along with support for HTML 4.0 and simultaneous multi-browser previews, backup commands, improved scriptability, and code-free assistance for common JavaScripts. PageSpinner comes with good online help and examples ideal for Web authors who aren’t afraid of HTML tags but want a friendly environment. (We looked at PageSpinner 2.0.1 in "Spinning the Web Part I: Trade-offs and PageSpinner" in TidBITS-384.) PageSpinner is still $25 shareware; version 2.1 is a free upgrade to users who registered PageSpinner 2.x after 01-Jun-97, and other owners may qualify for a $15 upgrade pricing through March of 1999. PageSpinner 2.1 is a 1.8 MB download. [GD]
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