Episode I: The Bandwidth Menace
Episode I: The Bandwidth Menace — Star Wars fans with visions of a galaxy far, far away can catch the new preview trailer for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in QuickTime 3.0 format, thanks to an exclusive alliance between Lucasfilm and Apple. According to Apple, fans downloaded more than 1 million copies of the trailer and 600,000 copies of QuickTime 3.0 within the first 24 hours of the trailer’s availability. If you have some time on your hands and a fast connection, you can view one of three versions: a 25 MB file measuring 480 by 216 pixels with stereo sound, a 13 MB file measuring 320 by 144 pixels with stereo sound, or an 11 MB file measuring 240 by 128 pixels with mono sound. The movie opens in theaters 19-May-99. [JLC]
<http://www.apple.com/quicktime/trailers/fox/ episode-i/>