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Mailsmith 1.1.3 Update from Bare Bones

Bare Bones Software has released version 1.1.3 of Mailsmith, their sophisticated POP and SMTP email program. Version 1.1.3 includes a new POP Monitor window that enables users to download or delete messages selectively from a remote POP server, enhanced manipulation of quoted text in messages, improvements to Mailsmith’s mail storage database, and an assortment of interface enhancements and feature additions (a full list of changes is available). The Mailsmith 1.1.3 updater is a 3 MB download, free to current Mailsmith owners. Mailsmith costs $79 directly from Bare Bones, although BBEdit and BBEdit Lite users as well as owners of Qualcomm’s Eudora or Claris Emailer can take advantage of a $59 discounted price. You can download a free Mailsmith demo (3.6 MB) from the Bare Bones Web site.

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