Snapz Pro 2 Adds TIFF, QuickTime Movie Support
Snapz Pro 2 Adds TIFF, QuickTime Movie Support — Ambrosia Software has released Snapz Pro 2, a major upgrade to the company’s shareware screen capture utility (for a review, see "Say Cheese! Snapz Pro" in TidBITS-372). Previously, Snapz Pro could save screenshots in GIF, JPEG, and PICT formats; Snapz Pro 2 adds support for TIFF and PNG formats and can create QuickTime movies from screen actions. TIFF and PNG require that you install still image support for QuickTime 4 – you can perform a custom installation to get it or let Snapz Pro ask QuickTime to download the appropriate files. Snapz Pro 2 can save images to the clipboard or to a file anywhere on your hard disk, or you can send the screenshot directly to your printer. Snapz Pro 2 costs $40; upgrades from previous versions are $20. You can try Snapz Pro 2 for free for 30 days; it’s a 1 MB download. [ACE]
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