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DiskWarrior 1.0.4 Update Improves Reporting

Alsoft has released DiskWarrior 1.0.4, an update to its disk repair tool that focuses on correcting directory damage. (See "Fighting Corruption with Alsoft’s DiskWarrior" in TidBITS 486 for a review.) Version 1.0.4 now lists all files that were recovered from a volume, and can save the report to the same volume that was recovered in case no other writable disks are available. DiskWarrior now places all recovered items in a Rescued Items folder for simpler testing and verification; once you’ve confirmed an item is intact, the Finder’s Put Away command returns it to its original location. DiskWarrior 1.0.4 can also be scripted to rebuild disk directories. DiskWarrior owners can download a free 561K updater from Alsoft’s support pages to upgrade to version 1.0.4; otherwise, owners can purchase the latest bootable DiskWarrior CD-ROM from Alsoft for $13 (plus $5 shipping).

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