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Mailsmith 1.1.4 Enhances Interface

Bare Bones Software has released a free update to Mailsmith 1.1.4, its powerful $80 commercial email client. Version 1.1.4 revises Mailsmith’s message composition panes and mailbox views, offering immediate selection for sending accounts, a reorganized Recipients tab, and simpler address correction. Mailboxes can now be sorted (and have their columns resized) independently of the Mail Browser, and menu items can have customized keyboard equivalents via a Set Menu Keys command that behaves much like the one in BBEdit, Bare Bones’ high-end text editor and Web authoring tool. Mailsmith 1.1.4 also offers enhanced OSA scripting options and direct support for Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher and PPP connection management. A complete list of changes in Mailsmith 1.1.4 is available from Bare Bones’ Web site. The Mailsmith 1.1.4 update is 3.2 MB, works on Mailsmith 1.0 or higher, and is free to all Mailsmith owners.

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