Possible Fix for PowerBook G3 Series Battery Woes?
Possible Fix for PowerBook G3 Series Battery Woes? Apple has released the PowerBook G3 Series Battery Reset Update 1.0, intended to alleviate problems with main batteries experienced by owners of some PowerBook G3 Series laptops. Reported problems include batteries that are not acknowledged by the PowerBook, batteries that fail to charge, or batteries that report inaccurate charge levels. The PowerBook G3 Series Battery Reset Update includes a small application that can reset one or both PowerBook batteries (if two are inserted), which should enable the PowerBook to recognize them correctly. Apple doesn’t claim this application will solve all battery problems. Do note this update only applies to PowerBook G3 Series computers (family number M4753 – look at the label on the bottom of the computer) and not to current bronze keyboard PowerBook G3s. Apple details the differences between various G3-equipped PowerBooks in a Tech Info Library article. The update is a 190K download. [GD]
<http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/ n11490>
<http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/ n24604>