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Free BBEdit Lite 4.6 Still Shines Brightly

Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit Lite 4.6, the latest version of its long-standing free text editor. Version 4.6 adds numerous interface and performance enhancements, plus extensions to its pattern-based grep search and replace feature and customizable key equivalents for any menu command. As always, BBEdit Lite 4.6 is a svelte application with small disk and memory requirements, and its features can be extended through a variety of plug-ins, some of which are included. BBEdit Lite remains a great way to get started with advanced text processing, such as managing a Web site or searching collections of text documents. If you find BBEdit Lite is not enough, registered users can upgrade to the commercial version of BBEdit at a discount. BBEdit Lite 4.6 is a 1.7 MB download, and requires System 7.0 or higher (System 7.5 or higher recommended).

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