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GoClick Simplifies Making Web Pages

Terry Morse Software has released GoClick, a new product that takes Myrmidon’s "print any document to make it a Web page" capability (see various articles about Myrmidon in TidBITS) and extends it with support for Cascading Style Sheets, Adobe GoLive’s GRID format and floating boxes, and preservation of overlapping text and graphics. In addition, GoClick offers custom page sizes, custom format control down to the HTML tag level, and the capability to make Web pages that look like Adobe Acrobat documents but don’t require a plug-in or helper application. GoClick runs on any Mac with System 7.5 or later and is compatible with any application that has a Print command. A free 30-day demo is available as a 1.2 MB download. GoClick costs $159, with discounted prices available to educational users ($79), registered users of Myrmidon ($49), and Adobe GoLive users ($79).

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