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Aladdin Systems Sponsoring TidBITS

Aladdin Systems Sponsoring TidBITS — We’re pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, Aladdin Systems, the long-standing Macintosh company best known for the StuffIt family of programs. Aladdin went through a rough patch several years ago, culminating in the jerky release of the new StuffIt 5.0 format last year, which added better compression and made StuffIt archives fully cross-platform. Since then, though, the company has been firing on all cylinders, releasing fixes and upgrades to the StuffIt 5.0 products, bringing out new programs like MacTicker, and becoming publicly traded. The future may bring increased competition from MindVision, whose MindExpander took aim at StuffIt Expander recently. But Aladdin thrived on competition from DiskDoubler and Compact Pro back in the early 1990s, and new competition can only help move the compression market forward more quickly. We’re happy to have Aladdin on board, and we wish them well as they continue to offer new and upgraded Macintosh utilities. [ACE]





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