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HotSync 2.6.1 Fixes Palm Sync Problems

Palm, Inc. has released HotSync 2.6.1, which solves a Palm handheld synchronization problem introduced by Apple’s recent Mac OS 9.0.4 update. Changes in the Mac’s USB software caused HotSync operations to time out, especially when using HotSync conduits for AvantGo and Outlook Express; the HotSync 2.6.1 release fixes these problems. Existing Palm Desktop 2.5 users can install just the HotSync 2.6.1 software, a 1.8 MB download. New users or users of earlier versions of Palm Desktop need to download the 6.6 MB Palm Desktop 2.6.1 package. This release comes on the heels of Handspring’s Palm Desktop 2.6, which appears to be the same software on the surface, though presumably Handspring’s release includes additional software for using its USB-only HotSync cradles with the Visor handheld.

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