PowerMail 3.0.3 Available
PowerMail 3.0.3 Available — CTM Development recently released a pair of updates to PowerMail, the latest version of its multilingual email client with search capabilities based on the same technologies as Apple’s Sherlock. (See "Migrating to New Climes with PowerMail" in TidBITS-530.) Version 3.0.2 fixes an indexing bug that would cause some messages to be invisible to searches, corrects issues indexing upper-ASCII (accented) characters, among other fixes. New features include improved URL handling in messages and an improved First Aid feature. Mailboxes from version 3.0.2 can’t be opened with previous versions of PowerMail, so back up your message database before upgrading. Hot on the heels of 3.0.2, version 3.0.3 fixed several annoying bugs introduced in 3.0.2 and added the capability to make searches diacritical-insensitive. PowerMail 3.0.3 is a 2.2 MB download and requires Mac OS 8.5 or later; a 30-day demo is available. [GD]