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Suitcase 9 Packs Plenty Into Upgrade

The Extensis Product Group of has released a new version of the venerable font management utility Suitcase, which was rescued last year from Symantec‘s pile of acquired-then-expired software (see "Extensis Rescuing Suitcase" in TidBITS 466). Suitcase 9 features a central dialog box with all of the program’s controls, four font preview formats, and cross-platform support when Suitcase 9 for Windows ships in July 2000. The utility includes Suitcase Server, enabling groups of two or more to access a central font library; three free server connections are included in Suitcase 9. The upgrade also ties together a handful of previously separate add-ons, including Suitcase XT (which can automatically activate a font needed by a QuarkXPress document when the file is opened) and Suitcase MenuFonts (for displaying typefaces in Font menus). Suitcase 9 is available as a download from the company’s online store and costs $100, though upgrades from previous versions run at $50. Competitive upgrades from Font Reserve and Adobe ATM deluxe are priced at $60.

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