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SoundJam MP 2.5.1 Continues to Evolve

Casady & Greene has continued their history of significant feature updates to SoundJam MP Plus, the company’s popular MP3 player and encoder. New in version 2.5.1 is support for broadcasting from your Mac to Internet rebroadcast services, a tuner for finding Internet music streams, support for both CPUs of the new dual-processor Power Mac G4s in encoding, conversion to WAV format, improved interface niceties when controlling portable MP3 players, support for the Nomad Jukebox, numerous enhancements to the playlist functionality, and a wide variety of other minor changes. Especially welcome are the major speed increases in the Playlist Composer feature that allows ad-hoc creation of playlists – it was too slow in 2.0, as we noted in "SoundJam Keeps On Jammin’" in TidBITS 535. Still missing, however, is an improved Alarm Clock interface that doesn’t rely on closing the Alarm Clock window to confirm and apply time setting changes. SoundJam MP Plus 2.5.1 is a free update (2.9 MB download) for registered users of any previous version of SoundJam MP or SoundJam MP Plus; it now requires Mac OS 8.1 on a 100 MHz PowerPC 603-based Mac or faster and prefers a PowerPC G3 or PowerPC G4-based Mac.

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