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Apple Offers Rebates on PowerBooks and G4 Cubes

Apple Offers Rebates on PowerBooks and G4 Cubes — Less than two weeks after warning of lower-than-expected earnings for its fourth fiscal quarter and a dramatic downturn in its share price, Apple Computer has rolled out rebate programs for new PowerBooks and G4 Cubes purchased through dealers or the online Apple Store. From 13-Oct-00 through 31-Dec-00, purchasers of new PowerBooks (but not iBooks) are eligible for a $200 mail-in rebate, and purchasers of G4 Cubes are eligible for a $300 mail-in rebate, but only if purchased with a matching 15-inch or 17-inch Studio Display or the high-end 22-inch Apple Cinema Display. The rebates are plainly intended to help Apple’s sales figures through the important end-of-year buying season, and thereby regain (or at least retain) confidence of investors and analysts. The rebates do not extend to purchases made before 13-Oct-00 and do not apply to Apple’s educational sales channels. [GD]




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