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icWord 1.1 Adds Older Word Formats

Panergy Ltd. has released icWord 1.1, an update to their $20 file viewer for Microsoft Word documents (see "icWord Reads and Prints Word Documents" in TidBITS 543). Along with a variety of improvements like better support for Word’s built-in graphics, showing graphics in headers and footers, better display of tables, and support for Western European accents in Word 6 documents, icWord now has initial support for viewing the text of Microsoft Word 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1 documents. Although icWord can’t yet display styles in those documents, it should let you at least read the contents. Since Word’s file format hasn’t changed since Word 98, icWord can also view Word 2001 files, complete with styles, layout, and graphics. icWord 1.1 is a 1.5 MB download for PowerPC-based Macs with Mac OS 8.1 or higher, or 3.3 MB for a universal installer that works with System 7.1 and 68K Macs. A 30-day trial is available.

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