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Maxum Updates NetCloak to 3.1

Maxum Updates NetCloak to 3.1 — Maxum Development has released version 3.1 of NetCloak, their flexible Macintosh Web server CGI and plug-in that helps you provide features such as counters, browser-specific pages, intelligent error pages, mailing list subscription forms, and more. NetCloak 3.1 includes Dreamweaver extensions that simplify using NetCloak’s custom tags in your HTML documents and features increased support for cookie handling, very large form submissions, Web browser validation, more flexible if-then comparisons, and customizable date and time formatting. Upgrades are free (just download the free demo and validate using your existing code) if you’ve purchased NetCloak within the last year; otherwise discounts are available. Otherwise, the standard version of NetCloak costs $250, with NetCloak Professional at $295 (it adds forms processing and email integration). [ACE]




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