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Interarchy 4.0 Streamlines Look

Interarchy 4.0 Streamlines Look — Stairways Software has released Interarchy 4.0, the latest version of the widely used Internet helper application formerly known as Anarchie. Interarchy 4.0 doesn’t boast any new major features (though the previous free update to version 3.8 offered a number by incorporating a customizable interface builder, a TCP network traffic watcher, and numerous "friendly" daemons from Stairways’s earlier software offerings). Instead, Interarchy 4.0 simplifies its setup and installation process and abandons the eldritch themes of runes, magic, and wands in favor of a streamlined default interface and an almost arid Web site built around 9-point Monaco – it’s almost like having a flashback to the days of BBSes and 1200 bps modems. Interarchy 4.0 also includes numerous unspecified tweaks and enhancements to its underlying transfer engine. The program is a 2.2 MB download and $35 shareware; registered owners of previous versions of Anarchie and Interarchy can upgrade for $10. [GD]



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