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Apple Offers Mac OS X Discounts to Beta Testers

Apple Offers Mac OS X Discounts to Beta Testers — In a unsurprising but still welcome move, Apple has sent out email to people who purchased Mac OS X Public Beta informing them of a $30 discount (the cost of the public beta) on Mac OS X when it ships on 24-Mar-01, bringing its cost down to $100 from $130. To receive the discounted price, you must pre-order from the Apple Store using the personalized link in that email message, and the link is good for only one customer, for only one license to Mac OS X, and only through 14-Mar-01. Unfortunately, the HTML-formatted message we received failed to display in Eudora; other email programs may have similar problems. If you don’t see such a graphic in your copy of the message, look at the source and follow the link manually. In Eudora, you can view source with the Blah button, or just choose Open in Browser from the File menu. Such are the problems anyone who sends HTML-formatted email messages may encounter, so if universal accessibility in all email programs on all platforms is your goal, stick with straight text. [ACE]

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