easyDNS Sponsoring TidBITS
easyDNS Sponsoring TidBITS — We’re pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, the Canadian company easyDNS. The founders initially started out as a Web development company, but the process of working with Network Solutions to implement DNS changes was so frustrating that they changed direction and created easyDNS to provide Web-based administration tools for configuring and managing your domain name information. You can create and modify host names, aliases, and MX records for your domain, all of which are annoying to do via Network Solutions (and I can speak not only from experience but from my current attempts to update my contact information at Network Solutions). Other features that easyDNS offers include dynamic DNS if you don’t have a static IP address, domain parking for domain names you can’t yet link to a Web site, whois record management, email forwarding, and Web or IP forwarding. Although easyDNS is not a DNS registrar, they’re an affiliate of OpenSRS, so you can register domain names through easyDNS using OpenSRS, and if you’ve registered your domain name through a different registrar, you can transfer it to OpenSRS to take advantage of pricing bundles from easyDNS. The tidbits.com domain has a complex setup with machines spread around four different networks, so I don’t want to change it until I’ve had time to think carefully about what I’m doing and get my Internet connectivity in Ithaca locked down, but once that happens, I’m looking forward to trying easyDNS’s services. If you’ve been frustrated with Network Solutions or your ISP’s approach to managing your domain name information, I’d recommend you check out what easyDNS can do for you as well. [ACE]