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QuicKeys X 1.5 Adds Menu Support

CE Software has released QuicKeys X: The Return of the Ghost" in TidBITS 602). You can now choose menu items by name or position; this doesn’t work in every application, though (Eudora, for example, or Classic applications), but another new feature, Menu Clicks, largely makes up for this lack. Menu Clicks are actually a specific use of the new Multiple Clicks shortcut, a sequence of clicks which you can easily define and edit, and which QuicKeys X performs rapidly. CE Software added some window actions such as closing, collapsing, and zooming a window, but other basic window manipulations from earlier versions, such as cycling to the next window, are still missing. Also new are shortcuts to start and stop Classic, the interface for connecting to network servers has been improved, and Click shortcuts can once again be defined relative to the screen, a window, or the mouse. On the downside, shortcuts that insert text now force the text to be Helvetica 12 rather than taking on the font and size attributes of the insertion point (as a workaround, set the shortcut to type the text, a slower approach than inserting). QuicKeys X 1.5 costs $80; disappointingly, CE charges $16 to upgrade from QuicKeys X 1.0. Upgrades from versions of QuicKeys compatible with the classic Mac OS cost $65. A 30-day demo version is available as a 7.6 MB download.

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