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Poll Results: Are You X’d Out?

Poll Results: Are You X’d Out? In some ways, the responses to last week’s poll asking how much of the time your primary Mac spends booted into Mac OS X were not surprising. Of over 2,700 responses, 47 percent of respondents said they run Mac OS X exclusively and 30 percent never run Mac OS X at all. Clearly TidBITS readers, and particularly those who respond to polls, are notably more likely to have upgraded to Mac OS X than your average Macintosh user. If you add in those who have made the jump to Mac OS X but don’t use the new operating system exclusively, 65 percent say they spend more than half their time in Mac OS X, and 35 percent say they spend less than half their time in Mac OS X. To my mind, these numbers help confirm our decision to continue migrating our content toward Mac OS X-specific topics, with a focus on helping those who have either just upgraded or who are considering the upgrade. That said, our mission statement has always been to write about those topics that interest us, and we have wide-ranging interests. [ACE]



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