ConceptDraw 1.8 Adds XML Support
CS Odessa has released version 1.8 of its charting and diagramming products ConceptDraw and ConceptDraw Professional (see "Make the Connection with ConceptDraw" in TidBITS 553). The major new feature is round-trip import and export of ConceptDraw documents in XML, enabling you to render a graphical document in an easily transportable and modifiable text format. Other improvements include enhanced finding and replacing of text, an easy way to check for new versions of the application, page-specific links between ConceptDraw documents, new shortcuts for zooming documents, improved Copy/Paste support, better support for Mac OS X interface standards and file types, and more. The update is free to registered users; ConceptDraw 1.8 is a 2.6 MB download, whereas ConceptDraw Professional is a 3.0 MB download.