FileMaker Pro 6 Released
FileMaker Pro 6 Released — FileMaker, Inc. has begun shipping FileMaker Pro 6, the latest version of the company’s database software. New in this evolutionary release is the capability to import large batches of images easily, or under Mac OS X, to import images directly from digital cameras. The other significant addition is XML (eXtensible Markup Language) support, providing a common lingo for importing and exporting data with other applications. Shortly after the initial release, FileMaker made a 6.0v2 update available for download to fix a few bugs related to importing and exporting XML. FileMaker 6 costs $300, with upgrades priced at $150. FileMaker Pro Unlimited, which can publish databases on the Web to an unlimited number of users, is available for $1,000, with upgrades from FileMaker Pro 5 or 5.5 at $500. [JLC]
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