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PowerMail 4.0 Beefs Up Mail Handling

Despite Apple bundling Mail with every copy of Mac OS X, email developers are forging ahead, with the latest major release coming from Swiss company CTM Development. PowerMail 4.0 adds partial POP3 downloads, server-side mail management, an enhanced address book that tracks addresses in sent and received mail automatically, integrated text clippings, mail scheduling, and a recent mail log window that simplifies the task of processing just-received messages. (See "Migrating to New Climes with PowerMail" in TidBITS 530 for a review of the previous version.) The $50 program is compatible with Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2.1 and also runs natively under Mac OS X (including the forthcoming Jaguar), where it now supports Quartz text smoothing. Upgrades cost $30 for registered users, though they’re free for anyone who purchased PowerMail 3.1.2 after 15-Apr-02. A 30-day demo version is available as a 4.6 MB download.

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