easyDNS Gift Certificate Clarification
easyDNS Gift Certificate Clarification — Our apologies to easyDNS for misrepresenting the utility of their gift certificates in last week’s gift issue. We implied you had to be running your own servers for the service provided by the gift certificate to be of any utility. In fact, easyDNS provides domain name registration and service along with email and Web site forwarding to any email address or Web site that you might have. (And if you don’t have a Web page up yet, they provide an "under construction" page as a placeholder.) So, for instance, someone setting up example.com via an easyDNS gift certificate could forward mail from [email protected] to an obscure Hotmail account like [email protected], and redirect Web hits from www.example.com to www.geocities.com/joeschmoe53/. In short, an easyDNS gift certificate is perfect for any individual or small business who wants to use their own domain name for email and for a Web site. Technical skills aren’t necessary, since the gift certificate comes with detailed step-by-step instructions. (And it’s an easy last-minute gift for that person who seemingly has everything!) [ACE]